Day Trading 101

In this 60-minute workshop, Stefanie walks you through how to trade her Whisper of the day recommendations.
These recommendations have achieved a 90% success rate since 2014.
Availability: In stock
Your price: $49.50
Day Trading 101

In this 60-minute workshop, Stefanie walks you through how to trade her Whisper of the day recommendations.

These recommendations have achieved a 90% success rate since 2014.

Sometimes just a small tweak is all you need to make your trading profitable.

 This is one of the best Day trading workshops that focuses on Pivots, moving averages, volume, and the Dark Pool. You will learn how to find the highest probability 5 star Day trades.

Stefanie will teach you how to map them out, starting with the Bullish above, Bearish below levels.

You will learn which price levels are the strongest for entering and exiting these Day trades.

Stefanie shares her 3 major principles that have saved her traders a lot of money over the years.
Learning at the right time to enter along with the right levels will help you active a much higher success rate in your trading.

Stefanie will also share how she applies the real time prints and the late Dark Pool prints day trading the $SPY the $IWM and the $QQQ.

Learn how to master this in just 60 minutes.

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